Saturday, July 18, 2020


Who's your worst enemy?” - asked my inner self a few years back, “parents? Family? Friends?” answered my inner self.

I read somewhere “Procrastination is the enemy of success”, but was fixed on my theory of doing what you love the moment that comes to your mind for months. Never actually realized how much of an enemy is “Procrastination” to me. 

It was not until the wake of this virus, I found the answer to my question. I realized “procrastination is indeed my enemy”. I started working for the first time in my life with dedication and determination. I made schedules, completed tasks on a daily basis. 

Now is the time where I can proudly say “No! I don't procrastinate anymore” :)

Buy new and second hand books from bookish santa and get 10% off on every Purchase you make. Use code “Mitaszbucket”. 

Welcome peeps, to my motivational book blog. Hope you all are doing good. Let's move our focus to the main thing then-


We procrastinate because It always feels great to watch another episode of ‘Riverdale’ than to read another chapter of ‘cell biology’. We have a tendency to choose comfort overworking. Every time we are put in a situation where we have to do something hard or work on our project, we choose to rather sit back and sleep for another 15 minutes or watch another episode of the series. Our mind is in a “conflicting” state where it questions itself but still, it outrightly chooses to continue watching or sleeping. 

Procrastination is the only reason we end up finishing our projects just before the deadline( in case you are menially sincere) or three to four days after the deadline. 

If looked closely, procrastination is everywhere from hitting the snooze button in the morning to staying up late to watch series. 


It's easy as hell but only if you have the guts to control and command your mind. It requires practice, it will not happen overnight. Even the ‘overnight successes' have lots under the veil. 

1. Be consistent: 

Be it reading books daily or working on a project, try to do it consistently. By ‘consistent’ I mean to do that particular task daily at a particular time. Set aside an hour or so to focus on that work. Finish watching all your series and stuff before that time. Focus blindly on that task. 

2. Practise: 

Most of us no matter how much we try we divert no matter what. Try to stop your urge to watch or play video games while you are supposed to do that task. Practice it for one week and then increase the time period. 

3. Use aids: 

There are lots of online tools like self-help books, various applications that can help you. To name some, there is 
  • Google Calendar
  • Alarm clock (of your phone)
I personally use these two, they work quite well. I don't like to use specialized apps as they don't function well and are buggy. These are the basic ones too, begin with using the less complex app and master first. Later on, you can move on to the more complex apps. 

4. Learn to discipline yourself:

Until and unless it's an emergency do not stop working on that task. Learn to acknowledge whatever you have in your (mind and write them down in a paper, do all of them after you have - ed the current task. 

What should your bible be?


Get yours at Amazon.
This book is the ultimate bible you should follow. Everything starts from the morning, so try to make it perfect and the rest of the day will follow. 


Get yours at Amazon
Time management is another crucial factor that masters your procrastination. The mess time you take to complete that task, the less likely you are to procrastinate.

This is all you can do to master your procrastination. 

Stay home, stay safe. Peace. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


What is stress? Why do you stress? What is the role of this “stress” word in your life? How can you get rid of that?

Hello peeps, welcome to my book blog  or motivational blog, whatever you call it. 

Buy new and second hand books from Bookish Santa and get 10% on every Purchase you make. Use code “Mitaszbucket”.

Let's get started

What is stress?

Stress is tension or worries that come to you with external or internal changes. You drown yourself in figuring ways to make things the way they were. Our mind is wired in a way that forbids “changes” be it internal or external. 

Why do you stress?

People stress because of the “lack of adaptibility”, they stress less when they are more adaptable to the environment they live in but this “adaptability” stuff comes with practice. You may think you are not blessed enough to “adapt” to “changes”, well it's NOT. Nobody is blessed. People work hard to get what they want and when they achieve it you call it “overnight success” or “blessing”.

What is the role of this “stress” word in your life?

It plays a tad role in your life, only if you know how to manage it. Everything is controlled by your mind, but often you give that “remote” to your external or internal circumstances, the moment they start to govern you, you feel that imbalance.

The reason behind domination by circumstances is because you think adapting to changes is “dangerous”, as you don't know what will be the outcome of this change, it can be negative, it can be positive or it can be neutral. The probability of negative outcomes haunts you. That's the point when circumstances dominates you. Your growth curve undergoes a sudden downward slope.

Learn to acknowledge that there is a change. Acknowledge that you are stressing about it. The more you suppress it, the more it dominates you and circumstances drive you. 

How can you get rid of stress?

A few days back, I came across this book named “Breaking up with stress”. It consists of some mind-blowing facts to lead a Hakuna Matata life. It is Parushi Kalra's debut self-help book.


Parushi kalra, a Chartered Accountant based in Jaipur, Rajasthan in India. She has previously worked as a Financial Model Auditor and has almost 6 years of experience in the same.

Being a CA, she has completed a short course in creative writing from Symbiosis School of liberal Arts in Pune. Nobody expects that right? But she did totally out of her interests in writing. It was her life long dream to inspire people with her writings.

Kudos to this woman :)


Gives you knowledge of what “stress” is, what “stressors” are with examples of people she is acquainted with. The different types of stress - Eustress & Distress with explanation.

It teaches you the science behind stress. How our mind reacts to a situation and stresses out. Association of the amygdala, CSRS, HPA and how they prepare our body for “flight or fight” situation. There's this change in blood sugar levels, heart rate, muscles and immune system. You will be pretty much moved by what “stress” can do your mind and body.

Some people think it's cool to brag how you stress about small things and how it is way cooler to stress 24/7 in this era. COME ON!! it's stress we are talking about not of some new trend. It is not cool because ‘the words you speak become the house you live in.’

She explains “Selye's syndrome” or “general adaptation syndrome”. Hans Seyle is the father of stress research. The whole ‘Seyle's stress theory’ is explained.


She talks about the 5'A of pre-planning, a method she devised. It consists of agenda, arrange, allocate, abolish, alarm. You can read this is in more detail in her book.

 We often stress out in different facets of our life be it in our work or relationships. There's this amazing table she used to explain the different ways by which you can outrightly prompt your mind into stressing less.

Prompting your mind into stress less or maybe changing something in you is not always easy. It takes about 21 days to change a habit which is proved by Maxwell Maltz.

Parushi guides you through the different levels of understanding and acknowledging stress. There's a lot more to learn from her book. I completely loved this book, it is the best one out there. For those of you, who are stressed out a lot. Give this book a read.

Get your copy at Amazon. It is also available in a Kindle edition. 


Learning how to let go of the stress is imperative if you wish to lead a peaceful life. My book - 'Breaking up with Stress' is for all those who find it difficult to deal with everyday stress in their lives. Reading the book, you'll figure out how easy it is to process and deal with your distress. The only catch is - you have to believe in yourself; believe that you can fight your problems and you're halfway there!

Hope you guys like this blog post, stay tuned for the next. 

Stay home, stay safe. Peace! 





Wednesday, July 1, 2020


“Success, motivation, dreams, big goals, hard work, smart work” - sounds familiar right? How many of you watch motivational videos or listen to self-growth podcasts first thing in the morning?

Welcome to my third post in the “best self-help books to read” blog. People who wasted another month of quarantine, this post is not for you. Also, If you spend your time doing “Netflix and chill” then I cannot do anything about it. 

Buy new and second hand books from Bookish Santa and get 10% off on every Purchase you make. Use code “Mitaszbucket”. 

This post is only for go-getters. 

M.Curtis McCoy is an author, business owner, and keynote speaker. He was diagnosed with Type I (insulin- dependent) diabetes when he was only 27 months old but his journey through all of it is an inspiration in itself. Previously, he wrote books on communication, leadership, and personal branding. 

Our decisions, our outlook on life and our attitude play a massive role in where we end up”
                                           - M. Curtis McCoy

A potential quote to put fire on your ass only if you are a potential lone wolf with a mind worth having. 

How to be successful: think like a leader” written by him is a book filled with conversations between him and entrepreneurs about personal growth and success. This book is more of a guide, which is a worthy read. 

Stuffs of prime importance from the book -


M.Curtis McCoy interviewed some great personalities like Jeff Bigs, Connie Wyatt, Paul B.  Watson, Caujuan Mayo, Eric Payne,  and many more. Their principles, their journey is a story in itself. Some of the questions asked to them are

1. What is your definition of success? 
2. When did you consider yourself a sucess?
3. What steps do you take daily to improve?
4. What have you recognised as your greatest strenths, how have they impacted your success? 
5. What are your weaknesses or personal character flaw and what you're doing to overcome it? 
6. How do you make important decisions?
7. Was there a pivotal moment that set you on the path to where you are now? 
8. Are there any books you've read more than once? Why? 

If you found yourself answerable to these questions then you are succesful.  Number of failures don't matter until and unless you are in a position to answer them. 

Not everyone of you can get inspired by their journey, getting inspired, being disciplined, learning from successes of others is an art itself. 

Talking about go-getters, we all are a product of success no matter how many failures we have experienced, I personally felt myself answerable to all of the question. I haven't achieved my big goals yet but after reading this book, I am completely obligated to my goals more than ever. 

We all know how to achieve goals, we work our ass off, we try to not procrastinate and what not and we all end up sitting in front of our laptop screens. How many of you have a clear goal and roadmap to your destination? No one or few. That's what I expected. We are more focused on results than the journey itself, we never will be. Until and unless competition exists. Learn from this journey instead of trying to be the best from your pals.


Orange Creamsicle” is the opportunity that comes your way. The author explains why we should not miss an opportunity. It's these opportunities we often shove away. 


We should not take ownership of our misfortune but taking charge of our life is what we have to do. Taking ownership of something which we have no role in is completely useless.


A negative mindset as explained by the author in his book is something you should ignore outrightly. It limits your mind from focusing on your blessings and walk past your “issues”.

No matter what, I know you guys will focus on negative than positive. You will find the bad in good and will contemplate over those sheer negative thoughts of yours. It's your responsibility to change your mindset no one can do it from exterior. 


“Delayed gratification” is the practise of resisting the temptation of immediate rewards, in exchange of greater rewards. 

Most of us reward ourselves after completion of something smaller part of the big thing we want to achieve and we end up losing all our focus because our brain thinks we have already achieved what we wanted to. 

The last few things which I wanna say is-

The name of the book completely justifies everything which is written in the book, indeed it is a guide to becoming successful. I am on my way to follow this guide, I hope other people will find this book inspiring as I did.

This book is not like others in its genre, the author explained each and every problem with a solution worth fitting.

I feel great that M Curtis McCoy wrote this book for go-getters, it's a great contribution to the society.

Get yours at Amazon. It's available in paperback as well as a Kindle edition.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Benefits of reading self help books (Part I)

Ever wondered why Go-getters spend a lot of time reading books? Do you even know what was so special about people like Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet that made them so popular?

Welcome back fellas, this blog is about the benefits of reading self-help books. Without any ado let's move on to the key points. 

Buy new and second hand books from Bookish Santa and get 10% off on every Purchase you make. HURRY!! Use code “Mitaszbucket”. 


Many of us spend useless time in watching motivational YouTube videos which might have a little impact on you for a very short time but not an entire lifetime, because we all know you are probably going to jump on your bed and then your regular “Netflix and chill”. I bet most of you are reading my blog because you were tremendously impulsed by your best friend's score in the exam or maybe you were just trying to motivate yourself, which is useless. 

Until and unless, you are trying to change your mindset by reading these self help books you are not going to achieve anything. Efforts will be 50%, results will be 20%, nothing will change. 

We are not actually aware of what we do and at the end of the day when we are looking back at how we spent our time in, we have no answer. Yes, you should not have an answer because all day you watched shows in “Netflix” and texted each and every person in your contacts. 

You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realise this and you will find strength.”

Marcus Aurelius said it true. No matter what's the reason for you want to change, you have to control your mind first. It will not be easy in the first day, you will be impulsed to watch series, play games, waste some time with the “temporary happiness providing stuffs”, but you have to master your mind. Here's this book, give it a read but if you want to be in the same place a year or two from now, then just sit back and relax, this blog is not for you and all the books which will be mentioned is not for you. 



“Success is 80% mindset and 20% mechanics”

The early you accept this the better it will be for you. This is a small booklet but has the power to change the “lazybones” lying within you but only if you implement the 15 mindset hacks. Your dreams are pipe dreams without a proper mindset. Your brain is a muscle, if you just sit back and relax your brain will not grow. In order for a muscle to grow you need to work on it, you need to challenge it. For example, you would not expect your biceps to grow if you lift 1kg weights, you have to constantly push yourself and try to lift more. 


There are hell lot of books which provide you with the techniques and principles used by the greatest men on Earth. 

HOW TO THINK BIGGER - Martin meadows

We try harder when we're a part of the group and don't want to be the weakest link.

This books compiles principles of some richest man like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Jim Rohn and many more. It also provides you with the simple rules followed by the author, Martin Meadows. Here, Martin Meadows discusses about the logic behind the human brain : it is divided into three parts, namely the chimp, the human and the computer. Most of ths times, the Chimp part of the brain stands in your way when you want to achieve big things. Give it a read and you will recoup your capacity to overcome obstacles.

Implement every little detail that's in the book, you will discover some underlying facts. 

Stay tuned for Part II 

Stay home, stay safe. Peace.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

10 self help books to read


Are you struggling with procrastination? Are you struggling to get into your state of flow? Are you losing your focus on useless things? 

Buy new and second hand books from Bookish Santa and get 10% off on every Purchase you make. Use code “Mitaszbucket”.
Welcome to my blog fellas, this is my very first blog and I want to share some self help books which might revamp you.

So, here are the most popular 10 books which can change your life and give it a new meaning.

1. The subtle art of not giving a f***:

    (by Mark Manson)              


Kindle Edition: Rs. 171 
Paperback: Rs. 444

“The subtle art of not giving a fuck” by Mark Manson is a book about how you can care less about the things you probably spend caring about half of your lifetime. We endlessly spend time in thinking, behaving, and accepting “positiveness”, well, we have to accept the way things are, if certain things are “negative”, then accept it as it is.  Mark Manson in this book says “Let's be honest, shit is fucked and we have to live with it”.  There's no point of deteriorating yourself for anything that is “negative” or detrimental. Accept everything and move on, not everything matters. Give it a read maybe you will find that striking change in your mindset.

2. The Alchemist 

   (By Paulo Coelho)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 75
Paperback: Rs. 299
Novelty Book: Rs. 325
Mass Market Paperback: Rs. 199
Audio CD: Rs. 1,544

“The Alchemist” written by Paulo Coelho is a book about a boy from Andalusia and his adventures. Pretty much everyone can relate to this book, it teaches one how to have faith in yourself and no matter how many obstacles come in your path, you should never give up and work consistently to achieve your goals.

3. Think and grow rich

     (By Napoleon Hill)


Kindle Edition: Free
Audiobook: Free with Audible Trial
Hardcover: Rs. 234
Paperback: Rs. 199
Mass Market Paperback: Rs. 80
CD-ROM: Rs. 1,844

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is a book about the fundamental questions that once bothered him. In this book he discusses several life changing incidents from his life or from the lives of successful people. He gives answers to questions such as why some of us are really successful at each and every sphere of life and are called “lucky” and why some of us are not as successful as the others. He discusses about the secret recipe of Andrew Carnegie which was used by several other men. 

4. 10 ways to motivate yourself 

      (by Steve Chandler)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 10.50

"10 ways to motivate yourself" by Steve Chandler is a book that provides you with 10 different tools that will help you to motivate yourself when you will not feel like it. Though, it is a tiny booklet, but it has got some pretty great stuff and will definitely motivate you.

5. The art of public speaking

    ( by Dale Carnegie)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 26.25
Audiobook: Free
Hardcover: Rs. 335
Paperback: Rs. 200

“The art of public speaking” by Dale Carnegie is a book about how you can improve your way of communicating with whoever you meet each day. Public speaking is a vital skill which is important in your life, in each and every second. Often, while communicating with others we become less confident and stutter, that brings down our image. This book also contains those rules of speaking, like when to use pause and various pausing techniques. It is a wholesome package which will teach you the various ways to speak. Those of you, who do face problems while speaking and communicating, do give it a read.

6. How to win friends and influence people  

     ( by Dale Carnegie)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 15.03
Audibook: Free
Hardcover: Rs. 243.75
Paperback: Rs. 119
Audio CD: Rs. 1,647

Among the how to books by Dale Carnegie, "How to win friends and influence people" is a book about how you can meet new people and influence them in a non-manipulative way, be it in a social work or in your office or your workplace. This book is an absolute must read for anyone of any age group, this book is a type of guide that one needs to read in each and every phase of life. No matter what business you are in, no matter what age group you belong to, you will be always dealing with people and talking to people, talking with your friends, then gossiping with your friends, it will help you to talk with people, connect and influence them easily.

7. How to stop worrying and start living

     ( by Dale Carnegie)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 15
Audiobook: Free
Hardcover: Rs. 211
Paperback: Rs. 131
Audio CD: Rs. 1,999

This is another book by Dale Carnegie, "How to stop worrying and start living,  unlike other books, this is a “how to” book which provides you with practical advice and helpful solutions to live your life to the fullest. In this book, you will learn how to develop habits that prevent fatigue, live with positivity everyday, overcome depression, deal with what's not on your list and make decisions to improve your life. If you worry a lot about what you shouldn't worry about, passionately spend your time thinking about what you said to your friend three years back, then thinking about what your boyfriend or spouse would react to your new tattoo then please you need help, you are carrying unnecessary baggage with yourself. Give this book a read and get rid of all the unuseful thoughts.

8. The law of success 

     ( by Napoleon Hill)


Kindle Edition: Rs. 149
Audiobook: Free with your Audible trial
Hardcover: Rs. 440
PaperbaRs. 190

This is another worth reading book by Napoleon Hill, in this book “The law of success” he talks about how we can get rid of our aimlessness and find a definite purpose, this course on the fundamentals of success will guide us, lesson by lesson, through the sixteen laws of success, which includes mastering our fears, increasing self confidence, inculcating the habit of saving our income, stimulating our imagination, practicing self-control, accurate thinking and profiting by failure that is learning from our mistakes we committed in the past. If you are struggling with your life and need help, do give this book a read it is going to be a wonderful reading session. 

9. Good vibes, good life

       ( by Vex King)


A beautifully designed book “Good vibes, good life” is full of inspiring quotes and tried-and-tested wisdom on using positivity to create a life we love. It contains ways to teach us how we can learn to truly love ourself, how can we transform negative emotions into positive ones. Change your vibes into postive ones by reading this book by Vex King.

10. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

       (by Héctor Grcía and Francesc Miralles) 


Kindle Edition: Rs. 178.60
Audiobook: Free with your audible trial
HardcolivRs. 439
Audio CD: Rs. 255

“Ikigai” is an astounding Japanese concept which means “a reason for being”. The word consists of two parts, first “Iki” meaning “life” and second “gai” meaning “value or worth”.This book talks about how purpose plays an important role in one's life and the different ways in which it manifests itself. It also describes some ways to 'find your state of flow' and ensure that what you do receives 100% of your attention and that you enjoy whatever you are doing. Give this book a read, I am sure you will find some useful stuffs in there.

This is it, my list ends here. I will come up with more books that you can enjoy reading. If you read all of the books above and implement it in your life, I am sure you are going to get amazing results. 

Comment below about how my blog helped you.

Stay home, stay safe. Peace.


“ Who's your worst enemy? ” - asked my inner self a few years back, “ parents? Family? Friends? ” answered my inner self. I read somewhe...