I read somewhere “Procrastination is the enemy of success”, but was fixed on my theory of doing what you love the moment that comes to your mind for months. Never actually realized how much of an enemy is “Procrastination” to me.
It was not until the wake of this virus, I found the answer to my question. I realized “procrastination is indeed my enemy”. I started working for the first time in my life with dedication and determination. I made schedules, completed tasks on a daily basis.
Now is the time where I can proudly say “No! I don't procrastinate anymore” :)
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Welcome peeps, to my motivational book blog. Hope you all are doing good. Let's move our focus to the main thing then-

We procrastinate because It always feels great to watch another episode of ‘Riverdale’ than to read another chapter of ‘cell biology’. We have a tendency to choose comfort overworking. Every time we are put in a situation where we have to do something hard or work on our project, we choose to rather sit back and sleep for another 15 minutes or watch another episode of the series. Our mind is in a “conflicting” state where it questions itself but still, it outrightly chooses to continue watching or sleeping.
Procrastination is the only reason we end up finishing our projects just before the deadline( in case you are menially sincere) or three to four days after the deadline.
If looked closely, procrastination is everywhere from hitting the snooze button in the morning to staying up late to watch series.
It's easy as hell but only if you have the guts to control and command your mind. It requires practice, it will not happen overnight. Even the ‘overnight successes' have lots under the veil.
1. Be consistent:
Be it reading books daily or working on a project, try to do it consistently. By ‘consistent’ I mean to do that particular task daily at a particular time. Set aside an hour or so to focus on that work. Finish watching all your series and stuff before that time. Focus blindly on that task.
2. Practise:
Most of us no matter how much we try we divert no matter what. Try to stop your urge to watch or play video games while you are supposed to do that task. Practice it for one week and then increase the time period.
3. Use aids:
There are lots of online tools like self-help books, various applications that can help you. To name some, there is
- Google Calendar
- Alarm clock (of your phone)
I personally use these two, they work quite well. I don't like to use specialized apps as they don't function well and are buggy. These are the basic ones too, begin with using the less complex app and master first. Later on, you can move on to the more complex apps.
4. Learn to discipline yourself:
Until and unless it's an emergency do not stop working on that task. Learn to acknowledge whatever you have in your (mind and write them down in a paper, do all of them after you have - ed the current task.
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This book is the ultimate bible you should follow. Everything starts from the morning, so try to make it perfect and the rest of the day will follow.
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Time management is another crucial factor that masters your procrastination. The mess time you take to complete that task, the less likely you are to procrastinate.
This is all you can do to master your procrastination.
Stay home, stay safe. Peace.